We are always recruiting Ph.D. students with strong academic background and solid programming skills. Students who have experiences related to the research topics in our lab are highly preferred.
My research aims at endowing machines with the capability to perceive, understand, and reconstruct the visual world with the following focuses: 1) developing scalable and label-efficient deep learning algorithms for natural and medical image analysis; 2) designing effective techniques for 3D scene understanding and reconstruction; and 3) understanding the behaviors of deep neural networks in handling out-of-distribution data.
If you are interested, please send an email to xjqi [at] eee.hku.hk. Note that your email title should be formatted as “Affiliation_Name_Program”. For example, if your name is Kevin and you are a student from the University of Hong Kong who intends to apply for the Ph.D. program, then your email title should be “HKU_Kevin_Ph.D.”.